CETIAT – Centre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et Thermiques, Villeurbanne, France
Activity fields:
Since 1960, the CETIAT, a leading independent French laboratory, offers a multi- fields experience to the manufacturers for the design and development of their products, equipments and manufacturing processes.
“Tailor made” feasibility analysis or extensive studies are carried out on a thermal platform up to pre-industrial prototype testing. Process development, testing and assessments are conducted on a semi-industrial scale, for a full rage of heat transfer modes:
- convection,
- radio frequencies:13.56MHz / 27.12MHz,
- microwaves: 915 MHz / 2450 MHZ,
- infrared: gas and electrical.
This bench is equipped with power test equipment for ISM frequency ranges, measuring equipment (VNA, thermometry, etc.) and electromagnetic, fluid & thermal computer simulation codes (HFSS, FLUENT).
50 other testing and certification rigs (including aerodynamics) are at your disposal. Our collaborations with academic research organizations and other Industrial Technical Centres enable us to offer comprehensive answers to your needs and help you complete successfully your projects.
Contact Person
Mr. Jean François LUCAS
25 avenue des Arts – 69100 Villeurbanne – France Tel: 33/(0)
FAX: 33/(0)
Mob: 33/(0)6.
E-mail: [email protected]