Job offer opportunities
Information about employment, stages, Ph.D. positions and many other opportunities offered to and by AMPERE members.
Dear AMPERE Member,
in the “Job offer and opportunities” new section of AMPERE EUROPE website ( you’ll find information about employment, stages, Ph.D. positions and many other opportunities offered to and by AMPERE members. Offers will be received also from non AMPERE members but it is important that they are related to MW and RF activities.
We are asking you to be active and help us to enrich this new section of our website.
On behalf of the Management Committee,
Prof. Cristina Leonelli
Instructions for posting an offer
In order to post an offer you have to prepare the add in the form of :
1) a short title: as an example “SUPERWAVE needs a mechanical engineer” and
2) The short title will be linked to:
A) a .pdf announcement or
B) a link where the details are given
The information 1) and 2) should be sent to: [email protected], indicating in the object of the message: Add for Instructions for posting an offer Section.
Thank you for keeping AMPERE website active!